Monday, March 14, 2011

FINISH THE JOB...the movie

I'm not even going to go into detail on this past weekend. We lost two games in a series with mid-major Gardner-Webb, the series finale of which was cancelled due to a "controversy" (I'll leave it at that). However, we have two mid-week games at home against Fairfield and Albany coming up before we head up to Worcester, MA to take on Holy Cross and Albany again. With a 5-8 record, we can only get better.

Now, about this movie. Back in January, I was tasked with making a "hype up" video for the team by our pitching coach, Scott Brown. I ended up pending four weeks making this epic eight-and-a-half minute movie with St. John's baseball clips combined with great momemts in sports history and motivational scenes from sports movies, as well as one from 300 (SPARTANS!!!). However, the video was a litte too over the top. Eight-and-a-half minutes is too long of a period of time to sit down and watch something without a plot. I was asked by Karli Hausman, the Assistant Athletics Director for Marketing/Promotions, to make a much shorter version so it can be played on the video board before games. The video above is what I came up with. Here is the youtube link: Check it out.

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